Chia sẻ Làm B.E.S.C. (ECTN) đối với hàng xuất đi CAMEROON

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Gửi các anh, chị đính kèm qui định, phí và chứng từ yêu cầu để làm B.E.S.C. (ECTN) đối với hàng xuất đi Cameroun.

"Seaway Express (ECTN)//Ying <[email protected]>

IMPORTANT: Once the ECTN number and/or draft have been created in CNCC system, it cannot be cancelled and refunded or reused for another BL/shipment.

Please send & advise :-

- Final draft B/L with complete info. (also shipped on board date)

- Commercial invoice with breakdown value C/I/F

- Please advise tel no. & email address of both shipper & consignee which located in Cameroun

- Please advise full style address for issue invoice.

- The original ECTN will be in PDF format.

With effective from 1st January 2017, the TRANSACTION number and TAX PAYER’S number will be required for the establishment of the Electronic Cargo Tracking Note (ECTN) for shipment to CAMEROON.

These numbers will be provided by the Consignee / Importer.

These numbers are required for all applications, except for used vehicles.


Transaction No.: PR000236 (8 characters)

Tax Payer’s No.: M010700021805Q (14 characters)

You may check with the Consignee / Importer for this new requirement.

The Shippers may ask for those number to the importer at Douala, if he don't have it he can call

Email : [email protected]

Tél : 00237 233437754 / 00237 2 33410254 /00237 2 33410312

As requested by CNCC authority, from 15/07/2017 onwards, all ECTN must insert the VGM (Verified Gross Mass).

We will issue invoice for your payment first. Once we receive your payment in full, draft will be created for your checking. Carefully check the correctness of the draft before confirm. Once you confirm, any amendment will not be allowed.

Please make the payment IN FULL by COVER ALL BANK CHARGES TO BE FOR SENDER’S ACCOUNT. We reserve the right NOT to issue the draft ECTN if we get less than our invoice.

REMINDER: Any cargo not covered by the validated BESC constitutes an offence to the regulation in force in Cameroon, penalties will therefore be systematically applied at destination. It must be imperatively validated at the latest 2 days before the arrival of the ship to destination.

Important: Please visit for foreign trade procedures in Cameroon.

The tariff for CNCC, please see attached for your ref.

If there’s any inquiry, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Best Regards,

Seaway Express Co., Ltd.
*Ying (Ms)*

Tel : 66 (0) 2679-3345-6 , (0) 2679-4797-9 , (0) 2679-4019
Fax: 66 (0) 213-1125
Email : [email protected]


*PLEASE READ : Please carefully check the draft before confirm. Once you
confirm/validated, Any amendment will not be allowed.*

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